Seeforth Services is committed to preventing and eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking in all its business activites. This policy outlines our commitment to ethical and responsible business practices in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Our Commitment
Seeforth Services:
- Prohibits Modern Slavery: We do not tolerate any form of modern slavery, including forced labor, child labor, human trafficking, or exploitation, within our operations or supply chains.
- Ethical Sourcing: We expect our suppliers to share our commitment to combing modern slavery and ensure that the products and services they provide are produced and delivered without any involvement of modern slavery.
- Risk Assessment: We conduct ongoing assessments to identify and mitigate the risk of modern slavery within our operations and supply chains.
- Training: We provide training to our employees and suppliers to raise awareness of modern slavery issues and how to recognise and report potential concerns.
Supplier Due Diligence
Seeforth Services:
- Requires suppliers to confirm their compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and provide evidence of the steps they have taken to address modern slavery risks.
- Reserves the right to audit and assess supplier compliance with this policy.
- May terminate relationships with suppliers who fail to meet our standards and demonstrate a commitment to addressing modern slavery.
Seeforth Services:
- Encourages employees, suppliers, and stakeholders to report any concerns related to modern slavery. Reports can be made through our established reporting mechanisms.
- Takes all reports of modern slavery concerns seriously and will investigate them promptly, taking appropriate actions as necessary.
Review and Compliance
This policy is reviewed regularly to ensure it remains effective in preventing and addressing modern slavery. Our leadership team is responsible for its implementation and compliance.
Seeforth Services is fully committed to maintaining ethical business practices and is dedicated to combating modern slavery and human trafficking in all of its operations. We will continue to take steps to identify and eradicate these practices within our business and supply chains, in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
This policy has been approved and endorsed by the Seeforth Services leadership team.
Lawrence Seaforth – Managing Director, Elesa Seaforth – Director
Seeforth Services 31st October 2023